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Massive Warfare - Solo Battle World Record Ranking

Please update me or let me know if I have misrepresented anyone. Again, the highest solo battle kill record for the unique player will be r...

Showing posts with label strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strategy. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Massive Warfare - T8 Configuration Analysis

TinyBytes Recommended T8 Settings

T8 Vehicle FP Supply Hull Engine Mobile
Helicopter (VIP Predator) 40

(25.25 rpm)

(139.17 kmh)

Hovercraft (Neptune) 40

(25.5 rpm)

(129,43 kmh)

Helicopter (KA-50)

(25.8 rpm)

(90.75 kmh)

Tank (T08) 40

(26.51 rpm)

(58.47 kmh)

From my analysis, perhaps to overcome the bots:
  1. Firepower must be maxed at 40
  2. Supply > 25 rpm
  3. Engine + Mobility > 90 kmh

I do not recommend adding anything to the hull yet.

Nevertheless, I recommend to do 40 0 0 0 0, increment 1 upgrade and test thoroughly.
Before proceeding to the next incremental upgrade.

Disclaimer: The analysis is purely the view from the blog. The owner of the blog does not claim any responsibility or idemnify for any loses caused. The reader has understood the risk and he/she has agreed to undertake out of his/her own free will.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Massive Warfare - Tips & Tricks

I will like to share with you some tips and tricks on the Massive Warfare controls.

This may sound trivial. However, it will help in your turning speed as if you are having a speed up paint.

Drag Sensitivity

Go to Setttings -> Drag your Drag Sensitivty to the extreme right increasing it to the maximum. This will really help you in your turning especially if you are using a tank.

Massive Warfare - Ghost Mine - Blind/Strategic Spot

I usually use the further river bank spot near the curve and rock wall.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Massive Warfare - KOI Crossing Blindspot

KOI Crossing team battle blindspot. Credits to Matanza.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Massive Warfare - Volcano Blind/Strategic spot 88-0 (Josi)

Behemoth striker team battle Volcano 88-0. Credits to Josi.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Massive Warfare Strategy Guide

When I did a search on Massive Warfare Strategy or Guide, I found some links and posts such as:
  • Massive Warfare Aftermath Cheats, Tips, Strategy Guide - MrGuider
  • Massive Warfare Aftermath Guide Tips Cheats Strategies to Destroy Your Enemies - LevelWinner
  • Cheats and Tricks to Win Massive Warfare Aftermath - RedMoonPie
I do appreciate if the authors were really trying to help (I even read their posts when I started playing). However, when I write such a strategy post, my intention will be to really improve your game such that you can really progress and enjoy your gaming experience. As such, I will really appreciate if the authors of the posts really have an in-depth playing experience in the game producing a quality guide.

In order to have some credibility, my statistics is published below:
  1. Kills/Battle (K/B): 32.3
  2. Kills/Death Ration (KDR) > 10
  3. War Best: 6,140
  4. Behemoth: 85 kills
While this may not be comparable to top players, it is definitely above the average.

So let's start off with their recommendation and my comments...

  1. Turn off Auto-aim (MrGuider, RedMoonPie)

  2. I am wondering whether have they played War Machines prior to this game in which only manual aim is available and it was so painful? Also, have they copied each other's posts? People complain that auto-aim is unreliable and it switches to another target randomly when you are locked on to the nearest target.

    Auto-aim and lock-on help immensely in this game, period. You must know how to use lock-on. Many may not know that you can hold on to the lock-on button all the time and release it when you have acquired the target lock. I noticed you turn or move slightly slower when holding on to it. You can also cycle through your nearby targets by releasing and depressing it repeatedly.

    On the contrary, I recommend to TURN ON AUTO-AIM but use LOCK-ON intelligently.

  3. Keep an eye/Focus on the mini-map (MrGuider, RedMoonPie)

  4. "Don’t go where there are more than one or two vehicles. Start moving in that direction where there is a single vehicle or target a specific vehicle at a time." - MrGuider.
    On the contary, you should look out for 2 vechicles already damaged in a dog fight, steal kill the dying one and kill off the other.

    Yes, keep an eye on the mini-map to avoid ambuses or target approaching you so you can anticipate. Never be over-reliant though as stealth tech will make them invisible on the radar (as well as grey them out physically on ground).

  5. Fire accurately to deal more damage (MrGuider, RedMoonPie)

  6. "You can use the zoom-in feature to fire accurately." - MrGuider
    "It will help you aim the target with accuracy and help you destroy more vehicles while bringing you rewards" - RedMoonPie

    In fact, zoom in or scope in will have an additional 5% damage. Learn the drill of scope in, kill, then scope out esp. for tanks. With striker skill and damage paint, that 5% can have a huge damage boost.

    However, I do not recommend for fast vechicles like choppers or hovers. By closing the gap, esp. the chopper, they fire faster esp. with fast reload+. Also, a few of the pilot skills favor closing the distance. With chopper and hover, if you manage to do a critical hit from the back, it is additional 50% damage instead.

  7. Movement Is The Key (LevelWinner)

  8. Yes and No.

    No for tanks, since my focus is on kills and sniping at blind/strategic spots, I do not really need movement and armor.

    Yes for hovers and esp. choppers. You got to be always on the move to avoid being locked on and shot at. He also has some useful tip on cutting corners (go through gaps of building or obstacles) to break the line of sight. I will also recommend not turning on the spot for choppers but turn around in an arc around the building/obstacle if possible to get back at the vechicle shooting at you if you really want to.

    Another useful tip he gave was to rush pass them with chopper, but I recommend to tap or reverse slowly to critically hit them from their back as demonstrated by Gr1m.X66 YouTube video at 2:50.

  9. Grab those boosters and cash (MrGuider, RedMoonPie)

  10. Have a priority list for collection. My priorities are:

    • Gold
    • Life (NOT Life-up)
    • Power-ups
    • Cash

    Some explanation on "Life". I will sacrifice myself by turbo rushing to get the gold using my judgement. Next then is Life i.e. I will not risk getting myself killed just to collect. Btw, VIP and experience points are not even on my list.

  11. Don't Limit Yourself to One Type of Vehicle (LevelWinner)

  12. Yes, I agree, but for different reasons. Your style and completion of daily quests.

    If your style is to camp and snipe at blind/strategic spots, then tanks (except T4 Challenger/Goliath or T6 TK6) will suit you.

    If your style is to crash and burn, then hovers and choppers will be more suitable for you.

    Also for daily quests, you will be forced to use different vehicles to complete the quests for gold.
    For survivor, you will need to use all 3 types of vehicles to maximise your winning chances.

  13. Focus on vehicle upgrade (MrGuider, RedMoonPie) vs Do not upgrade too much on Starting Vehicle (LevelWinner)

  14. Generally, I agree with LevelWinner not to spend too much on upgrading starting vehicle. In fact, there are a few tips on upgrading such as not to overcook so as to optimize for killing bots and also recommendation for buying vehicles.

    For upgrades, I generally recommend to upgrade the firepower below the "rate" line i.e. if the next firepower upgrade lowers the fire-rate (T7 vehicles being the exception), then stop. Also, I generally do not upgrade the hull as it will significantly increase the Combat Strength (CS) of the enemy/bot vehcicles. My objective is to kill the bots as fast as possible (as few or one-shot if possible), so keeping the CS low also will yield a lower health enemy/bot. If their hull are high, then they may not have the high firepower to one-shot you so easily.

    A typical upgrade will be:

    Firepower Supply Hull Engine Mobility

    • Killer Whale, Thunder: 10 18 0 0 0
    • Arbiter: 10 20 0 0 0
    • Challenger: 10 28 0 0 0
    • Goliath: 28 31 0 0 0
    • Behemoth: 40 36 0 0 0

  15. Get free gold and use them to get Camouflages and Stickers (MrGuider, RedMoonPie)

  16. Yes, but try to get out of the rat-race by moving up the tier just like in real life. At low tier, camouflages are cheap but at T7 e.g. 35% damage for 3 days cost 140 gold. By then, you should be using striker at an optimized configuration to one-shot targets without paint. So use your gold to get to the top of the food chain. More recommendation to move up the tier list in another post.

  17. Armored Skill is much better than Flanker (LevelWinner)

  18. Yes I agree, not all skills are the same and some skills are better than others. I will update that in another post.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Massive Warfare Strategy - Ozeroth Blind/Strategic Spots

My second least favorite map Ozeroth with Behemoth striker.

Massive Warfare Strategy - Oasis Blind/Strategic Spots

Oasis blind/strategic spots Behemoth striker.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Massive Warfare Strategy - GuiLin Peaks Blind/Strategic Spots

I will share more of GuiLin Peaks blind/strategic spots later.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Massive Warfare Strategy - Castle Town Blind/Strategic Spots

Castle town map with Behemoth striker high score 74-0.
I will update more later.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Massive Warfare Strategy - Volcano Blindspot

Volcano map Kraken 76-0. I saw this blindspot before. It's on the left further up. However my Behemoth takes forever to reach there...

Massive Warfare Strategy - KOI Crossing Map Strategic Spot 2

KOI Crossing map team battle with Behemoth high score 79-0 left side on the bridge.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Massive Warfare Strategy - Chernobyl Map Blindspot

Behemoth 80-0. The other side of the map.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Massive Warfare Strategy - KOI Crossing Map Blindspot

New KOI Crossing Map with Behemoth. Strategic spot with Behemoth 86-0 kills at left of map I believe.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Massive Warfare Behemoth 116 kills record

Massive Warfare Grim.X66 Behemoth 116 kills record. 35% damage paint.
He had a 121 kills recorded that was not recorded but shown in the tribute compilation.
Strategic spot infront of the 1st entrance of the U shape slope.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Behemoth 102-0, 1-shot 1-kill, without paint

More importantly, the blindspots are
  • Solo, Chernobyl, behind the ferris wheel
  • Team, Volcano, left side, indent infront there is a small mountain.
Behemoth strength: 7,408
  • Attack: 1,586.42 (Firepower: 39)
  • Armor: 1,280.42 (Hull: 1)
  • Fire Rate: 27.39 RPM (Supply: 37)
  • Movement: 40.5 KMH (Engine: 0, Mobility: 0)
Used 3 stealths.

Ok, perhaps there was a 75% armor at the last battle with that 102-0 score. Nevertheless, impressive.

Player is SUEL.


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