There has been a recent server merge between Bootes and Capricornus. That must have been the biggest update since the iFree hibernation. iFree did it in style with the colonies and NPC being wiped out of the map for quite a number of days before it was randomly generated again. However, fewer 2 star colonies and vulture-exposed 10 star guards. Well, at least any update was better than no update.
The merge with Capricornus was positive considering that server was more active. New top gears like Exoskeleton Burgonet (lvl 45 NDA headset), QK37 Ermine (lvl 45 NDA weapon), Osmium Breastplate (lvl 45 NDA armor) and Exclusive Laser AMP S0 [Epic] started appearing. I will capture some screenshots to publish here later. Capricornus also had more lvl 39 and 40 players. Also the no sub and no knights rules for Bootes was being tested.
I was already being attacked or knight farmed so more life might be a good thing...
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