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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Haypi Kingdom - Fort Farming

Fortified Point - credits to MrSevenX


Level: The level of the fort
Cats: Catapults needed to win
Resources: the total about of each resources each fort holds
Infantry: infantry needed to take all resources in one attack
*cats: the fort has catapults as well!

Lvl - cats - resources - infantry - *cats
1 - 215 - 50k - 2000
2 - 428 - 60k - 3000
3 - 855 - 80k - 4000
4 - 1410 - 100k - 5000
5 - 2170 - 130k - 6500
6 - 3782 - 160k - 8000 - *20
7 - 6255 - 200k - 10000 - *50
8 - 8708 - 300k - 15000 - *80
9 - 14115 - 400k - 20000 - *150
10 - 19830 - 500k - 25000 - *300

*Numbers based on the "10% Rule"*

NOTE: when farming I find the best way is to command all your troops to "wait" from round 1, if you have the recommended amount of catapults, they will be able to kill them with no losses.

Sequence to attack (Wait all the way, except if only cats left)

1. Cav (they should all die, else round 2 is also cav)
2. Inf (surprised? archers not in range yet)
3. Archers
4. Inf/Cats (depending on shooting tech, anyway if you target cats and they are not in range, it will automatically attack Inf)
5. Inf (if there are no cats left)

Remember: every major title upgrade, or every 3 levels, you can hold 1 more sub city and 1 more fort, also, the amount of oasis you can hold is: Your level divided by 2 and rounded up if needed.

PS: My game name is leather1 (with a number 1 that is). Add me as a Haypi Kingdom referer when you register, so that I can complete a task. I will thank you from the bottom of my heart. Join my alliance Avatar if you like.


  1. Your maths is a little off... Level 2 fort holds 50000 resources, and you are right that you can carry it with 2000 inf.

    But level 4 fort holds 100000 resource, so you need 4000 inf to carry, not 5000 like you say.

  2. The "real" number of inf you need to carry the resource away are:

    Level 1 2200
    Level 2 2640
    Level 3 3520
    Level 4 4400
    Level 5 5720
    Level 6 7040
    Level 7 8800
    Level 8 13200
    Level 9 17600
    Level 10 22000

    Note: I added 10% to the real minimums, to cater for inf getting killed by traps, if the forts have them at that point in time.


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