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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Apple iPhone 5 Maps

Well, it's not perfect. Saw on the newspaper that there is quite a fair criticism on iPhone 5 Maps.

Tim Cook even apologize and promise to make it better.

Frankly speaking, I believe he is stalling for time to correct it.

With GPS turn-by-turn voice navigation (except it is not working properly right now), admit it, no other free app even comes close.

*Update: Google Map App is available in AppStore now and it's hot!


  1. I am waiting to buy new smart iphone 5 and i hope its working smoothly and best among any smart phones. can someone suggest me if its working well or share your ideas if you bought your iphone 5 already and how is that?
    Desi babe

  2. Planning to buy next year. I think you should buy it if 4G LTE is working on your part of the world. The hardware speed upgrade and LTE will be a big boost.

    If you use IOS 6, Maps workaround will be for now.

    I believe quite a lot of quirks will be patched by IOS 6.1. Seriously, if you are worried Babe, use IOS 5.x latest for now.


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